Tomas De Rita (born 1976) is a Helsinki-based graphic designer and artist interested in combining urban lifestyle with nature. The basis of his art is different visual details in our environment. He also uses ready-made objects to create new works of art. Humor and warmth are often present in his works. At the moment he studies Art Education (MA) at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki. In his piece for the LARU15 Human Era exhibition he uses solar energy to create an illusion of urban bird life.
2015, Sculpture Now!, group exhibition, Galleria Atski, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki
2014, Legot ja luovuus, group exhibition, Galleria Kipinä, Riihimäen matkakeskus, Riihimäki
2014, Kolme kahden hinnalla, group exhibition, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki
2014, Syksyn kasvot, solo exhibition, Café Kumma, Helsinki
2012, Ikkunajoulukalenteri, group exhibition, Galleria Jänis, Turku
2012, Sahanpurua & Timantteja, group exhibition, Galleria Jänis, Turku
2009, Bon Appetit, duo exhibition with Kasper Strömman, Napa Galleria, Helsinki
2006, Ars Kärsämäki, group exhibition, Kärsämäki
2005, Around the World with King Nosmo, trio exhibition with Kasper Strömman and Jenni Rope, Malmö
2004, Manifesto, group exhibition, Korjaamo, Helsinki
2003, King Nosmon valokuvia, trio exhibition with Kasper Strömman and Jussi Salakka, Myymälä2, Helsinki
2003, Virasto, group exhibition, Turku
2003, King Nosmo, trio exhibition with Kasper Strömman and Jenni Rope, Myymälä2, Helsinki